My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 3, 2010


So... update... we're adjusting well to our new little addition. Amelia is taking to Elaina really well. We're not making a big stink out of Elaina and it's "business as usual" around the house. This afternoon, Amelia fed Elaina a bottle. She wanted to do it all by herself. In addition, she took the burp cloth and wiped Elaina's mouth after she was done! Amelia is a great little helper.

We took Elaina in for her two day check up yesterday. After spending more than an hour there, Elaina is doing well. She lost 9 ounces and was 6 pounds. We have to go back tomorrow for a weight check. In addition, she is looking a little jaundiced, but the doctor isn't worried about it because her bilirubin tests came back on the low risk.

And that's about it!