My Little Munchkins!

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween & Elaina's check up!

Our third and first Halloween was a big success! Amelia dressed up as Snow White and her little sister was a Dwarf - Dopey. Amelia enjoyed going from house to house saying "Trick or Treat". Once she got candy, she then proceeded to say, "I want more." But we always left the house saying, "Thank you." Amelia got lots of candy and couldn't stop talking about it.

Snow White

Snow White's cape

Snow White & Dopey

Here's a slide show of Elaina and her Vermont Bear... since she's now two months old.

Elaina went in for two month check up today. Poor thing got three shots and an oral vaccine. She was a trooper, though. Her stats... she's 22.5" (50%) and weighs in at a hefty 11 pounds, 5 ounces (75%). That's one pound more and a half an inch taller than Amelia was at this same age. Her head circumference is 15.1" (50%). She's a growing girl! The doctor said that she looks bigger than a two month old. Says Elaina has good neck muscles and is very intelligent as she's very intent on staring at things or watching people pass by. He said that Elaina is strong as he could tell that she likes standing up. He said to keep this up and work on more tummy time and stimulating activities. Our next check up is at 4 months... so January!