My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Our little daughter continues to grow so fast. I can't believe that in less than a month she'll be two years old! Wow! How time flies. Amelia continues to amaze both Mommy and Daddy. Last Thursday we taught her how to take out the kitchen trash. She successfully put a new bag liner in the can and then put the can under the sink. Wow! She's also learning how to put her pants on (see below). Her words and sentences continues to grow. We never know what will pop out of her mouth!

Also, last week, Grammy and Papa came out to visit us. Grammy spent a full day with Amelia on Tuesday playing and reading her new book, "Where's the Poop?" Thanks a bunch, because all she wants to do is read that book. I don't know what's worse... "Where's the Poop?" or "The Foot Book."

As for Munchkin #2 - kicking has commenced. The other night I was lying on the couch and she was kicking up a storm. I could see the movement from underneath the blanket! This Sunday marks 24 weeks and baby's viability! In another month, I will be in the third trimester! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. So crazy! My next appointment is next Tuesday.