My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Yeah, yeah, I know I am a day late. But I got busy with everyone showering me with love and affection! Mother's Day was great. I woke up at 5am to hear Amelia talking over the baby monitor. So I woke up and fed her then we fell asleep in the huge recliner in her bedroom (reminder, we're in a rental house with rental furniture). Then at 7:30a we woke to the phone ringing! Happy Mother's Day MoMo! After that we retired to the big bed. That's when Daddy woke up and he and Amelia went and fixed mommy breakfast in bed. Of course we had cheerios! Actually, we had honey nut cheerios. Nevertheless, Amelia served it in bed for me and then wanted me to share. Later on in the day, we went out to brunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Aunt Jenny, cousin Audry, Jack and Nancy. It was yummy.

So what did I get for my first Mother's Day? I got a hanging flower basket, wooden spoons, collapsible crate for Emmy, candle thing that goes around the patio umbrella (when we can move back into our house), a book to write my memoirs in for Amelia and finally matching heart lockets. That's so special! I got one for me and then there's a matching little one for Amelia. In the middle of the locket, there's a small little diamond. I told Amelia it will be her only diamond from Daddy. The next one will be her husbands! hahaha!

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Here are a few pictures (click on them to see them bigger):

Mommy & Me looking all pretty!

Look at my dress! Mommy has been saving it for over a year! Like my sandals? My toes are painted, too.

Mommy & me matching lockets.

See, I am modeling mine. Hope mommy doesn't put that picture of me and spaghetti in hers.

On the house front: The insulation is all in. The sheetrock is up. Tomorrow we have our nail inspection. After that, the guys will come in and start taping the walls. Followed by the tiling of the bathroom. The foreman guy says by the time he gets back from vacation (around June 1), the house should be mostly completed. We'll see, though. I'll keep you posted on that.

On a funny note... we got a letter from the City of Fairview. There's going to be a hearing regarding Goat Grazing permits for the city park that our property butts up against. Should be interesting. Keep you posted on that, too!


M said...

Yay! Happy Mother's day! Cute, cute pics!
