Amelia is napping on my side of the bed, so here I am at the computer updating the blog. There's really nothing to report about Amelia. She's just fine, perfect and happy as a clam (are clams really happy?). Brad, Amelia, Emmy and I are all safe and warm, weathering (<---hahaha!) the Blizzard of '08 rather well. We're stocked up on food. I cooked a lasagne last night, so we have a meal for three nights if we're stuck here for days on end. Amelia's got several vegetables to choose from and of course Mommy is providing her with yummy milk! The temperature outside right now is frightful... 18* and a windchill of 3*. I took Emmy out for a walk this morning because I knew she had to go poop really bad. It was quite humorous, as she would walk outside on the snow, then fall into the snow. A little background... it snowed all day yesterday, followed by freezing rain. So there is a sheet of ice on the snow. That being said, some of the ice supported Emmy's weight, while other parts could not, so she'd fall into the snow. Needless to say, I don't think Emmy quite liked her walk this morning. Right now she's tucked away under the covers in our bed. So... if you scroll down a bit, you'll see her walk this morning.
And here's a picture of our house this morning.
Wow! I know this kind of weather usually doesn't hit OR, so hang in there and stay warm. Hope the power stays on and you all stay good and warm. Hugs to you! xoxo Yo!
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