My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Less than Two Months!

Well folks, we are less than two months away from the arrival of the Munchkin, if you go by the estimated due date. Things are movin and groovin on this side. Here's what has happened in the past week:

I went to my first La Leche League meeting on Monday. The group meets every third Monday of the month. It was nice to see all those ladies there. I'm not sure if I'll go to every meeting, but it's nice to know that if I get stuck on breast feeding or need help, there are ladies out there who can offer support and advice.

Yesterday, I completed my 32nd week! I am now in my 33rd week. The third trimester is trying to kick my butt... but I refuse to give in. The first trimester was easier than this trimester. The second was a honeymoon. So what's so difficult you ask? First, I feel like a beached whale... especially when I am trying to get up off of the comfy couch. At least when I am in bed, I can roll out. Speaking of bed, it's getting more and more difficult to sleep. I wake up when I have to roll over. And now it seems every two hours I am getting up to use the bathroom. The Munchkin is also running out of space. I can feel her kicking up behind my rib cage every so often. I'm supposed to be doing kick counts, but I haven't so far because I know she's moving around a lot inside my belly. One day I found myself playing with her foot. I'd poke it and she'd kick back. Gave me the giggles! So, since I've been getting up so often during the night, I haven't been sleeping well. So I've resorted to taking naps on the couch when I get home from work. They seem to be helping. There are a few moments when I forget that I am pregnant. Those usually happen when I am in transition from being in a dream state to being in my awake state in the morning. What snaps me out of it, is when I try to get out of bed!

Bradley Method classes are going well. We've only got four more classes left. Our homework last week was to create our birth plan. Now we get to share it with our doctor. Luckily, she's the type to go with the flow of the parents and only intervenes when baby or mom is in trouble. I'm excited to have such a great doctor. Our next appointment is on Monday. Wheee! Brad will be with me at this appointment because I am going to have him video tape it.

Here's a look at what's happening to Baby and Me in the 33rd week:
Baby ~ Your baby now weighs about 4.4 lbs (2000g) and measures about 12 inches (30cm) from crown to rump and about 19.4 inches (43cm) in total. Now that your baby is running out of room in your womb, you can probably see your belly moving as your baby kicks. Your baby may dream as he sleeps and when awake he may be alert, listening, feeling and even seeing dim shapes. Though your baby is still inside the womb, he is learning all the time as billions of neurons are making connections. Your baby is probably in his birth position by now. Your baby's lungs may be sufficiently developed by now, though if he were born now, he would probably still need an incubator to stay warm.
Mom ~ Your weight gain by now may be as much as 28 lbs and you are gaining weight faster than at any other time in your pregnancy. This is because your baby is growing rapidly right now. Your blood volume has increased 40% to meet your baby's needs and your uterus has grown 500 times since before you were pregnant. You may be feeling uncomfortable and feel the need to urinate frequently. You may be experiencing vivid dreams.

Also, a major accomplishment. Today I finished drawing on the walls in the nursery. The nursery is all ready for my mom to come in and paint! I am totally excited that everything is done. The characters that I have on the wall include: Marvin K. Mooney; Are You My Mother? (snort not included); Horton; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish; Green Eggs and Ham; and Fox in Socks. Below is a picture of Horton which I just completed today. Horton faces the Are You My Mother Drawing. You'll have to wait to see Fox and the fish because I'm not darkening the lines. A little too complex.

So I am debating when I want to leave my job. I am thinking June 6... but I don't know if I want to go sooner or later than that. What do you all think? My estimated due date is June 18.

Other than that, nothing else is up. Hoping this weekend will be nice, as I want to get out into the garden again and plant some annuals and perineals. Getting prepared for next weekend's shower and all the guests coming in. Hope all is well with you! Oh yes, one more thing... the 32nd week belly shot is in the slideshow now. Have I dropped yet? Oh yes, and one more thing... I think baby has moved, so in the 32 week shot, she's not mooning you anymore. I think if you were to see me full frontal, rather than profile, she'd be mooning you. :)


jlmishler said...

I know it probably doesn't help but you dont look like a beached whale! You look fabulous for being in your 33rd week! And YAY for Horton!

M said...

I agree with Jen - you look fabulous! I am however disappointed that I'm not being mooned anymore... Congrats on getting all the drawing done!


jenthomas said...

I can't wait to see everything painted. I wish I had this creativity for my own kids rooms! You should have people pay you to do rooms :)! I can't believe you are almost to the end. You look amazing, I agree with everyone on that.

Kate said...

I love Horton! Again..can't wait to see it all painted and finished! I agree with everyone and have to say that you look amazing for being 32 weeks. You are all belly!