My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nearly There!

So... the nursery is just about complete. Just have to change out some baskets in the changing table and put a baby in the crib. If you can't see the slideshow, just scroll down a little bit and look at the slide show of the nursery below... I think it's a few posts down.

Brad put the swing together last weekend. Here's a picture of it.

My belly is getting bigger. It makes it harder for my pants to stay up, as most of them sit below the belly.

Here's what is happening at 36+ weeks:
Baby: Your baby is now considered full term. He weighs approximately 6.5 lbs (2950g) and his total length is about 21 inches (47cm). Your baby's crown to rump measurement is about 14 inches (35cm). By now, your baby's head may have engaged into your pelvis. You may feel that your baby occasionally has hiccups from his "practice breathing". Though your baby is considered full term, he is still growing and developing both his body and his brain. He is still laying down fat at a rate of more than half an ounce every day.
Me: Your baby will probably "engage" in your pelvis this week, but this may happen slightly later, especially if this is your first pregnancy. This is when your baby's head drops down into your pelvis. Pressure on your ribs and internal organs will ease when your baby engages. This is known as "lightening" and breathing and eating usually become easier again once this happens.
Your uterus is putting increased pressure on your bladder, though, so you will probably have to go to the bathroom even more often! Your baby is still growing, so even though he has dropped, you will probably feel his feet on your breastbone again before the end of your pregnancy. You will probably not gain much more weight during your pregnancy, but you feel pretty uncomfortable by now. You're probably wishing this baby would be born already!

This past Monday was our last birthing class. Exciting to know that we have our Mondays free once again... until baby comes. We'll see all of our classmates and teacher sometime in July or August for the reunion. We have to wait until the last baby is born... which is sometime in late July. On Friday, we toured the maternity ward at the hospital. Looks like it's going to be a nice place to give birth in. There is no nursery for the baby, as the baby rooms with mom. It's actually encouraged. This afternoon, I installed the carseat base in my car. My seats dip a little too far, so I had to put a towel underneath the base so it would be more level. It's kind of cool because the carseat we got can also be put into other cars and you don't need another base. You can just strap the seat into the car. Most excellent!

Other than that, it's a waiting game now. Hoping the munchkin doesn't decide to show next week. That would be VERY bad... as my doctor is not in town.


Brooke said...

Oh Holly, everything looks great, including you!!!! I can not believe that she will be here so soon! I hope she doesn't show up early!

jlmishler said...

Wow 3 weeks to go!!! YAY!!!

M said...

Fabulousness! Can't wait for you to be holding that precious baby girl! (after your dr gets back of course)
