My Little Munchkins!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Paint, Paint & more Paint... plus a shower!

Well, it's finally complete! Stage three of the "painting the nursery" saga has come to an end. Mom came and painted the Dr. Seuss designs that I had drawn on the wall. I must say that it turned out fan-friggin'-tastic! The munchkin will have so much to look at when she's a tot. No mobile needed in this room! Here are the pictures of the whole process... Sorry, I thought I had gotten a picture of mom working on painting the room. I guess I didn't, as I was at work most of the time she was painting.

Some of the pictures got cut off in the slide show... so here are the pics...

In addition, this past weekend was my baby shower. I got lots of stuff, so thank you everyone! You made the day really special. Of note... I got lots of receiving blankets, lots of clothes, a carseat, stroller, diaper genie II, diaper bag, lots of diapers and wipes, wash cloths, 3-in-1 exersaucer, 3-in-1 swing, burp clothes, munchkin's first backpack filled with McDonald's toys, crib bedding and more! Here are a few pictures of the loot piled up on the living room floor. Hopefully someone will send me pictures of the actual shower itself. Congrats to Agnieszka who won how big my belly was... Jen for guessing how many jelly beans were in the bottle, Liz who won the door prize and I think it was Amy who got the sticker on the bottom of her plate!

Now the real nesting begins... I have to launder all the clothes, at least the newborn stuff, blankets and then put them away. I need to find room to put all the diapers and wipes. In addition, I need to find material so I can make curtains for the room.

Until next time...


jlmishler said...

YAY what fun...the nursery looks great!!! Have fun putting everything together now!!

Howard Happenings said...

The room looks amazing. You and your Mom did a great job!! Sounds like you got a lot at the shower, what fun!!!

Holly H

M said...

Holy Dr. Seuss, Batman!

Love, love, love it!!

When do we get a new belly pic?

jenthomas said...

Wow! It looks great! I wish I could be there to see it in person. Sounds like you are set with all your shower stuff too! Don't you just feel overwhelmingly blessed after one of those. Well now you just have to find a place for everything :)! Congrats on the room! Yea you and yea mom for your hard work!

jenthomas said...

Wow! It looks great! I wish I could be there to see it in person. Sounds like you are set with all your shower stuff too! Don't you just feel overwhelmingly blessed after one of those. Well now you just have to find a place for everything :)! Congrats on the room! Yea you and yea mom for your hard work!

Kraftychik said...

The nursery looks fabulous!