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Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh What a Night!

I'm soliciting for any advice... Last night Amelia cried and cried and cried. She wouldn't go down to sleep. She cried for 2 1/2 hours nearly nonstop. I nursed her, changed her, burped her, sang to her, rocked her, cuddled with her, etc., but nothing would stop the wails from coming out of her mouth. Finally what got her to stop was taking her to bed with me, giving her one last feeding, and then letting her fall asleep on my chest. I don't want this to become a habit, but I just couldn't stand hearing her cry anymore. Are there any suggestions? Remember, she's only 6, almost 7 weeks old. I even let her cry for about 10 minutes, but she still cried. Thanks!

PS She's asleep in her crib right now. I put her down for a nap and she started crying, but then I folded up a blanket and put that under her head. Don't worry... the blanket won't suffocate her. Perhaps she likes to sleep elevated? Maybe it helps the digestion? I guess I'll ask my OB today. I have my Post Partum check up today. Woo hoo!


jenthomas said...

Ohh I wish there was a magic cure for you but if there was someone would be VERY rich right now. I would say try elevating her again and just hang in there. Did you try taking her outside? That worked well for both kids. I know this sounds weird but running the vacuum (white noise) is what made Gabriel stop crying. I had the cleanest carpets then. Something about the noise made him stop crying. Hang in there it will get better. It feels like it will never end at the time though.

Kate said...

I don't have personal parenting advice to give you but they do sell positioners that elevate the baby. Plus some even vibrate or have the sound from the womb too. Maybe that would help?

Howard Happenings said...

I was going to say the same thing, take her outside. With my daughter I would take her outside walk up and down the driveway and sing, sing, sing. It worked a lot of the time. But always remember that it's hard to do but it's ok to just lay her down and walk away and go outside or somewhere you can't hear her for 5-10 minutes. We all have those moments where you just have to have a breather! Hope it gets better!

Holly H

Anonymous said...

Audry has a bear that makes womb sounds. She loves it stil. It will put her out fast. Any sort of white noise really seems to help too. A radio playing lullabies or a crib toy that has a light show and plays melodies might help. I have one if you would like to try it.

Mel said...

Holls- hmm...sounds like you have found the cure, I know it can be a bad habit to keep her on your chest, BUT Nia is calm when I do that too, but I only do it for a few minutes then immediately to bassinet. I hold my hands on her for a minte so she feels the warmth. BB in minute Sam is calling me..