My Little Munchkins!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Fifth Ultrasound... and hopefully the last!

Well folks... Got some really great news today! We went in for our fifth ultrasound (6w, 9w, 12w, 18w & 26w) today to see the position of the placenta. At our 18w appointment the placenta was really close to my cervix which could lead to some complications during delivery. Today the ultrasound revealed that the placenta had moved completely out of the way. So that won't be a problem and me going through the Bradley Method classes won't be a wash! So, I am totally happy. Also, at 18w they measured my cervix length at 2.7cm. That was on the short side of normal, so they checked that again today. The length of the cervix hadn't changed at all. If it had, it may be an indication that I may deliver early. Phew! I also did my one hour glucose test (testing for gestational diabetes). I was given lime glucola and it wasn't bad. It tasted like flat Sprite which I drink on occasion. Baby's heartbeat was strong (144 bpm) and there was plenty of amniotic fluid. Our little munchkin is also being very good and obedient. She's already in the head down position! So hopefully she won't flip herself over in the next three months. Breech would be bad! We also got a peek at the munchkin. She was very active, too and a couple of times I'd see her move on the u/s screen and I'd feel her hitting me with her hands. Was an awesome experience. We got a great picture of her face. I'm posting it without descriptions and with descriptions if you can't tell what you're looking at. Click on the image to see it bigger.

In addition, I've added my 26w belly picture. Here's the new slideshow:

I think that's about it. Hope you're enjoying your day!


D said...

So cool! I can't believe how little still you're showing. :) Glad to hear that your appointment went well. Miss chatting with you. Take care!


jenthomas said...

You look great. I love the pictures of your belly. I am so glad that your ultra sound went well. I have had fun keeping up with your progress. Grow baby grow!!!