My Little Munchkins!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

What we did this weekend... (pics)

Need I say more?

Actually, Brad put the Exersaucer together Friday night. It came in at least 100 pieces. There are a ton of toys on it, too. We bypassed the tummy time stage and went right to the saucer stage. Amelia loves to stand in it and play with all the toys. She can also bounce a little in it because it has springs in it. The next stage for this is when Amelia can stand on her own and then it becomes a little play table with all the toys. To all my pg friens and relatives... the Exersaucer is made by Evenflo if you like it.

Amelia was so pooped after playing in it, she needed a long nap.

More to come!


jlmishler said...

Oh my word, look at her little face!!! She is SOOOO exicted!!! XOXO

jenthomas said...

she always looks so amazed. Looks like the hard work paid off and she loves it. What an expressive little lady. :)